
作者:吴忻 时间:2019-12-13 点击数:



中国是茶的发祥地,被誉为“茶的祖国”。 在漫长的历史发展过程中,中国茶人创造性地开发了各种各样的茶品,形成了丰富多彩的茶类。



Introduction to Chinese Tea Culture

China is the birthplace of tea, and known as “The Motherland of Tea.“ Chinese have explored  and cultivated many kinds of tea, forming a rich and colorful tea culture.

Chinese tea , tea sets, and tea ceremony represent the rich local and national characteristics. Tea culture is a wonderful work of Chinese dietary culture. It represents the spirit of national culture, and the distribution of ancient civilization. Tea is one of the  three popular non-alcoholic beverages in the world. Tea drinking habits have permeated throughout the world, there are now more than 50 countries which plant tea. You will find the tea culture of all the countries in the world are related to China’s if you trace it’s root.


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